Saturday, October 4, 2014 from 10am-1pm: Casa Libre en la Solana (228 N 4th Avenue #2 Tucson AZ 85705)
CONTACT: Jill Lorenzini: 520-268-4899; lorenziniworks.com email: jaelle@lorenziniworks.com
Casa Libre: 520-325-9145; www.casalibre.org (www.casalibre.org/programs/manifestcontest/heatwave.html)
Printmaking Demonstration and Workshop: 10am-11am
Jill’s unique printmaking technique, SunDone, will be described and demonstrated, and materials will be supplied for participants to set up their own prints. Kids can also do quick prints on photosensitive paper. $5 per person, kids free, up to 25 people. Fee supports Casa Libre’s essential work in the community, donations welcome. Free energy looks good!
Solar-Cooking Demonstrations and Food: 10am-1pm
Watch how simple and sensible it is to cook with the sun! Southwest quesadillas, roasted potatoes, and mesquite chocolate chip cookies will be baking all morning. Basic solar oven concepts will be discussed over lunch at noon. Free energy tastes good!
Body Art and Artists: 11am-1pm
Sun symbols and HEAT WAVE designs will be applied with body paint, henna, and local clay paints. Also, weather permitting, models in the Heat Wave fashion show will be decorated by Body Art Artists using various materials: clay paint, sunscreen, fabric, and tape.
HEAT WAVE lunch: 11:30-1pm
$5+ donation suggested for southwest quesadilla and mesquite chocolate chip cookie lunch.
OCTOBER 4 EVENING EVENT 6-10pm: Casa Libre en la Solana
- Welcome, Casa Libre en la Solana, Manifest Your Dream Contest, HEAT WAVE: A Celebration of Art and Culture in the Desert Southwest
- View displays of HEAT WAVE art, writing, photography, SunDone prints, dance, Hottest Selfie Collage/Portraits, etc
- Solar-cooked and Sonoran Desert foods sampler, HEAT WAVE beverages!
- SunDone how-to demos and pre-session events video/media!
- HEAT WAVE fashion and body-art show!
- HEAT WAVE fundraiser raffle drawing!
- HEAT WAVE dance and music!